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All 15/18mm of course. From the mid 80s till the mid 90s I had about 1000 figs or more, playing Johnny Reb II. Then, more reading, going to several USA battlefields,got disapointed with the rules, I sold them, but kept most of the terrain as it could work with my AWI figures.

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Some years ago, my usual opponent started to buy figs for this, as Fire And Fury regimental got out and looked quite the thing. I  also played the AWI variant, including once with the author.

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Recently I re started to paint more, still a lot to do. I decided that the two ranks units, as many are not big at all, look a bit weird. Too turn of the XVIIIth century like! It should be a thin line.
We don't play this period so much.

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So as of 2023, next games will have them one rank , but keep the game as such (I will add one stand and fiddle with shooting distances. Movement can be said to have a bit shorter turns. 
Losses will be written down, if many one or two stands taken off. It should look better, and no pmessy pile of stands on the side to sort out at the end;)

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Olustee 1864

Not too complicated to install, and flat! It was a good one, unfortunately I did take pics while installing, then next day, got swallowed by the game so none for the fighting!

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I took as a base a ready made mat of grassy/ rocky messy base, draw roads with chalk, then the main woods and marshy outlines.
Poor man's marsh :
That was before I got proper marshes done. prior to visiting real ones in Kamchatka Where you just tells your self, no no, you have to do it better.
With the rule book. Scatered trees to give life, This battlefield is flat and easy to do.

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Careful with order
Don't rush putting all the woods, before you realize you screwed up one and inverted positions;).
Here more outlines and the straight railroad.
With the rule book. Scattered trees to give life, This battlefield is flat and easy to do. 

As you  can see on those pics, we played with roughly half the stands advocated in the rules.
The two ranks with a high number of stands is nicely impressive but in fact very many units have 7-9 and end up 5" front and 1.5 deep far from the thin line they should be, more like a batallia from the Thirty Years war! And it gets worse as they lose stands. So one stand is 80men (2 stands for the rules), odd numbers made with one flat Wofun figure (finally  got use of their gift!). One dead marker does for a casualty, 2 loses a stand. We can also mark them on the OOB.
As the cavalry in the rules is not wide enough and I want to keep the miniature representation roughly  homogeneous, one cavalry stand is still one (one rank) 40men (2 figs vs. 3 for 80 on foot).  It worked well in this scenario, saves a hassle moving around. Moreover his troops are not magnetized which slows down the game. He might correct that. 

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We barely hold the hill but he lost 2 units to me one.
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I lost my cavalry, but he used 2 divisions to do  that which were sorely missed in the main fight. Then my center division killed one unit by a dangerous charge in the rear.
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The end left (Gt6 ) no need further. No one will get a clear advantage. He recovered one unit, lost  another. He tried a wide road move right with his last reinforcement but my right division manged to extricate itself from the danger following its enthusiastic attack and forced the yanks to  deploy and to  have no time to  do anything .

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